
A 6-Week Class on Mental Health for Parents & Teachers

Basics classes are on Zoom. For more information, please use the contact information at the bottom of this section. Classes fill up quickly!

NAMI Basics is a free, six-session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children, adolescents, and young adults under the age of 22 with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps class participants understand the illnesses that could be causing those behavioral difficulties as well as the critical role families play in the treatment of those illnesses. Among the many conditions reviewed are Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Depressive Disorders, and Bipolar Disorder. The child does not need a diagnosis.

The program is taught by trained teachers who are also the parents or family caregivers of individuals who experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties during childhood and adolescence.

Counselors, educators, and others who work directly with youth are eligible to sign up for this class.  
A gif designed by Sheila Alarcon, NAMI CC 2024 Summer Intern

What You’ll Gain

At NAMI Basics, you’ll find out that you’re not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope. The group setting of NAMI Basics provides mutual support and shared positive impact—you can experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. You also can help others with your own experience.

NAMI Basics covers:

  • Managing crises, solving problems and communicating effectively
  • How to take care of yourself and handle stress
  • Developing the confidence and stamina to support your child with compassion
  • Advocating for your child’s rights at school and in health care settings
    • Sample Record Keeping System
  • Learning about current treatments, including evidence-based therapies, medications and side effects
  • Gaining an overview of the public mental health care, school and juvenile justice systems and supporting resources to help you navigate these systems
  • Understanding the challenges and impact of mental health conditions on your entire family

Infographics designed by Sheila Alarcon, NAMI CC 2024 Summer Intern

Interested in Classes, Groups, or Services?

Follow these steps to get registered with a class, group, or service that fits your needs.


Read about the different groups, classes and services.

Fill Out Our Form

Click the button and fill out the form below to express interest in the class, group, or service.


Once the inquiry is completed, the coordinator will follow up with you about registration availability.

Have Questions about Basics?

Contact any of the individuals below or fill out our class inquiry form.

Updates for Basics Classes