NAMI Contra Costa AAPI Programs
Studies found that mental illness has become the most challenging problem for people today. According to statistics, about 60 million people in the United States each year (on average, one in five adults, and one in six children under the age of 18) suffer from mental illness to varying degrees. Mental health conditions do not discriminate based on race, color, gender or identity.
Anyone can experience the challenges of mental illness regardless of their background.
NAMI Contra Costa, a charitable mental health non-profit organization, is one affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI CC provides outreach, education, support and advocacy to families and individuals in need of help. Since 1979, the organization has been serving the community through mental health advocacy, professional lectures, education classes, support groups, and other activities to achieve the following goals:
- Introduce mental health knowledge, resources, research results, etc. to everyone
- Guide people to have correct knowledge and understanding of mental illness
- Provide emotional support, information, and/or linkage to community resources to anyone in need
- Advocate for mental health and seek resources and support from the government
- Assist in the rights and interests of patients in medical treatment, housing and law information
- Help patients and family caregivers learn and master effective communication skills, coping skills and the latest medical knowledge
- Facilitate mutual support between peer to peer, family to family
Due to language barriers, cultural differences and taboos against mental illness, the Asian community has very little knowledge of mental health and the corresponding community resources. An Asian family with a member suffering from mental illness usually lives in the dark, and feels in despair. The family often feels lonely, helpless and hopeless. Strong social stigma restrains them from living a normal life or contacting other people. The mission of our AAPI department is to help all needy Asian families get rid of mental illness stigma, walk out of the dark, and find hope and helpful resources.
All of our services are free of charge.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 是全国性的精神健康非盈利组织,宗旨是对精神及心理疾病患者和家庭提供外联、教育、支持和宣传。从1979年成立之初到如今,一直秉承其使命及宗旨,通过精神健康宣传、专业讲座,教育课程,互助小组等活动达成以下目标:
- 将有关精神健康的知识、资源、研究结果等介绍给大家
- 唤起民众对精神疾病的正确认识和了解
- 为患者和家庭照顾者提供有关社区资源的咨询和帮助
- 向政府争取针对精神健康的资源和支持
- 协助维护患者在医疗、住房及法律方面的权益
- 帮助患者与家庭照顾者学习和掌握有效的沟通技巧、应对技巧和最新医学知识
- 扶助患者与患者,照顾者与照顾者之间的互相支持
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 是全國性精神健康非營利組織,宗旨是提供和推廣對精神暨心理疾病的認知,防治,資訊和互助。Our mission is to provide support, education and information to individuals living with and families affected by mental illness.
- 免費普通話 NAMI精神健康速成班 2小时的课程详细为大家介绍精神健康紧急状况的有关知识 2 hour-class addresses critical information of mental illness:
- 精神科急救中心以及诊所资源 Psychiatric Emergency Services and clinic resources
- 家庭个案经理的应对策略 Case Manager Strategy
- 精神健康的相关法案 Mental Illness Relevant Law
- 精神健康紧急状况联络资源 Contact Resources of Mental Illness
AAPI Support Groups
AAPI Mandarin Connection
AAPI患友互助。 安全,隐私,温暖的互助小组。美西时间每周六晚8~9点服务于正经历或曾经患有心理健康问题的人群。
Saturdays from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Zoom Meeting ID: 819 9695 4905

AAPI Mandarin Family Support Group
每月线上互助: 每月第一個星期二 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM和第三個星期日 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM 使用普通話及 NAMI 形式進行的互助小組,歡迎家人照顧者及患者參加, 免費入場。
First Tuesday of the month from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Zoom)
Third Sunday of the month from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (Hybrid)
Meeting ID: 976 0697 4509
Passcode: 859880
Facilitated by:

AAPI TAY Mandarin Support Group
周线上TAY 青少年中文互助小组: 每周星期六 6:00 PM-7:30 PM,使用普通话进行的互助小组,欢迎16到29岁,想来分享或者需要帮助互助的人参加,免费入场。
Zoom Meeting ID: 861 9019 9549
Facilitated by:
Daisong (Leo) Li
(925) 942-0767
Yiwen (Yvonne) Wu
(925) 765-8232

Tagalog Support Group
2nd Friday of each month from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Facilitated By:
Anthony (Tony) Marin
(925) 759-8564
Hosted in a Hybrid format, located at:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 862 6324 1030
Passcode: 395632
Or click the button to join online:
Other Services | 其他服務
A Monthly Online Mental Health Educational Presentation (Mandarin Exclusive)
每月线上精神健康公众讲座 : 每月一個星期六/星期日,具体时间以海报公布为准 邀请精神心理健康领域的专家做普通話专题講座。 無需報名,免費入場。
A Free Family to Family Course in Mandarin
A Free NAMI Family-to-Family Education 8-Class in Mandarin for caregivers / family members to learn about mental illness and to find support.
免費普通話 NAMI 家連家課程 8節為病患照看者/家人精心設計的專門教程,旨在學習及了解對精神暨心理疾病的認知,防治,資訊和互助。
A Free NAMI Basics Education
A Free NAMI Basics Education 6-Class in Mandarin for situations where loved ones are either experiencing symptoms or have been diagnosed. Meant for parents, family caregivers of children and teens.
免費普通話 NAMI基礎教育 6节专为亲人出现症状或已被诊断出症状而设计的课程,适用于父母,或儿童和青少年的家庭照顾者。

Contact Persons | 联系人
Our services are free of charge. Please feel free to contact:
Daisong (Leo) Li
(925) 942-0767
Yiwen (Yvonne) Wu
(925) 765-8232

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