Treatment Not Tents – How Prop 1 Will Help Our Loved Ones
Douglas Dunn and Karen Cohen, NAMI CC Members
Hosted on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 at 7 PM to hear from some of our most knowledgeable NAMI CC members explain how Proposition 1 on our March 5th ballot will improve our loved ones’ lives.
7:00 pm NAMI CC Announcements
7:15 pm Presentation Begins
Learn why Douglas Dunn and Karen Cohen, NAMI CC Members, are supporting this innovative initiative:
- Prop. 1 reforms, renames and strengthens the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
- NAMI CA proudly collaborated with the legislature and Governor to ensure the needs of those experiencing serious mental illness and their families were included in these reforms.
- Learn more: or
About the Speakers
Doug Dunn and his wife Linda are the parents of a loved one living with major mental health challenges. As a result of their sons’ illness, Doug has become a respected and forceful advocate for legislative change. He supports families who contact our NAMI Family Volunteer Support Network to navigate our legal and criminal justice systems. He was instrumental in convincing our county to implement Laura’s Law. In addition, he has served on the NAMI CC Board of Directors and the Contra Costa Mental Health Commission. He currently serves as the Chair of the NAMI CC Legislation Committee.
Karen Lee Cohen has been a NAMI CC member for more than 30 years, during which she has been a board member and a Family-to-Family teacher and volunteered in many other capacities. She worked to pass the Mental Health Services Act, to open facilities for people with severe mental illness and to implement Laura’s Law in Contra Costa. For the past 14 years, she has co-facilitated the Open Our Hearts community support group for family members of people with severe mental illness.
Questions or Comments for the Speakers?
If you have questions or comments for our speakers during the presentation, you may contact Barbara Scott at on or before February 15, 2024.
Closed Caption Translation
Closed Caption (CC) Translation is available in VARIOUS languages on any NAMI CC’s General Meetings on ZOOM. Attendees can select the CC language of their choosing. RSVP to by February 15, 2024 if you require audio language translation.