For our September 2023 General Meeting, we invited client and family member perspectives on how the A3 Miles Hall Community Crisis Hub behavioral health crisis response program services were going. We had invited two of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health graduate student research team members – Theo Michaels and Dani MacVicar, in charge of the qualitative data collection, and Amanda Brewster, one of the faculty members leading the project. We used your feedback to understand how the A3 Miles Hall Community Crisis Hub was doing and to see if it had met the community standards for what we had hoped for. We needed your input to make recommendations in an interactive discussion. We wanted to take that opportunity to hear from families!
The researchers briefly presented their project and then broke out into groups to hear your stories. If you wanted to participate in interviews afterward, we scheduled a time to meet. Those who agreed to this next round of interviews were provided with a $30 gift card for their time. Interviews included questions about your experiences with A3. Participation was voluntary, and you could change your mind at any time and withdraw from the study. To learn more or to participate, please email Dani MacVicar at
Time was allowed for individuals to ask questions.