Donate to NAMI Contra Costa Today

Contribute to a Great Cause: Donate to NAMI CC Create a Mental Health Impact In Your Community.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Contra Costa County has been supporting families and caregivers who have a loved one with a mental illness for over 35 years. With the support of people like you, we will be able to continue bringing comfort and hope to families in our community. No matter the amount, the means or the frequency of your gift, each and every one is appreciated.

What You'll Be Supporting

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All the Ways You Can Donate

Donate in Memory of Isabel Oshen Alena Moran

In loving memory of Isabel Oshen Alena Moran, 11/19/1998-12/17/2024, whose kindness and spirit will always be remembered. May this contribution help continue the good they brought into the world.

An image of Isabel Osha Moran

Donate Online

Have PayPal or a Credit Card? Use the donation button to complete your donation!

Recurring monthly donations can be made using the same button by clicking the “Make this a monthly donation” checkbox.

*Please note that the donation amount is custom, and $100 is only shown as an example in the adjacent picture. Only give what you are able, and we are thankful for what support you can provide!

Donate By Mail

You can mail your contribution to:

NAMI Contra Costa
2151 Salvio St, Ste V
Concord, CA 94520

All donations can also be made in honor or memory of an individual and/or organization.

A thank you card

Other ways to Donate


A special way to make a gift to NAMI Contra Costa is to include us in your will. Each individual or family legacy contributes to our fiscal strength and helps insure we will be here for families and caregivers for years to come.

We would be grateful if you contact us if you have or intend to include NAMI CC in your will so that we may celebrate this special act and discuss any questions you may have. Though we are happy to discuss different gift planning choices, all arrangements should be made through your attorney or another professional advisor.

Workplace Giving

Matching Gifts: If your organization has a matching gifts program, you can increase the size of your gift through a corporate match to NAMI Contra Costa. Consider inviting others to join you in supporting us and ask your employer to encourage employee-led fundraising events by matching those proceeds.

Car Donation Services

Currently, NAMI CC is contracting with Car Donation Services, Inc, a local company that has managed vehicle donations for over 25 years. They use a variety of selling techniques so vehicles, on average, sell for more, which means more money for us and a larger tax deduction for you!

To donate your vehicle, please mention NAMI CC when you call 1-888-686-4483 or donate online at Car Donation Services. They make it fast and easy and provide you with professional and courteous service throughout the process.

Once your vehicle is accepted, they will mail you your donation receipt, which includes the necessary tax information and reporting requirements and the required DMV forms. Vehicles will be picked up within 5 working days, and they can handle rush donations, if necessary.

Donation Exceptions

Though we appreciate every donation considered with us in mind, there are some donations we are not accepting at this time:

  • Clothing Items

However, we continue to welcome financial and car donations via Car Donation Services.

Thank you for your continued support and for making a difference to our community by donating your time or hard-earned money!