Thank you so much for your interest in beginning, or continuing, to volunteer with NAMI Contra Costa. You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming Summer 2024 5-Module Training! You’re helping improve outcomes for those impacted by mental illness.
When and How to Join
Begins Tuesday, July 9th.
A Five-Module Weekly Hybrid Class Held From 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m over the course of five weeks.
If you wish to attend in person, you may arrive at 5 PM to enjoy a light dinner at the office for each of the modules.
For those who miss a training module, there will be one Make-Up session on 8/13 that will also be held hybrid with a light dinner.
You must register for the Volunteer Training Module before joining.
Registration Form
Module Topics
- July 9 – Volunteer Orientation and History of NAMI CC
- July 16 – Module II: Mental Health 101
- July 23 – Module III: Crash Course, Navigating the Behavioral Health Care System in Contra Costa
- July 30 – Module IV: Better Understanding of Conservatorship and Other Legislation and Criminal Justice Issues
- August 6 – Module V: Cultural Responsiveness, Ethics and Self-Care
To Join Online
Meeting ID: 827 4811 1961