Other Resources

While NAMI Contra Costa strives to provide groups and services to those affected by mental illness, there are various other groups and services within Contra Costa County that can help you. Listed below is a collection of other resources that are not sponsored by NAMI or NAMI CC.

A3 Miles Hall Community Crisis Hub

A3 is Contra Costa County’s innovative approach to provide timely and appropriate mental and behavioral health crisis services to anyone, anywhere, at anytime in the county. It is 24/7 Behavioral Health Crisis Support. A3 provides professional, same day intervention for adults experiencing a mental health crisis.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, call the A3 Miles Hall Crisis Call Center.

Adults (18 or Over): 1 (844) 844-5544

Youth (Under 18): 1 (877) 441-1089

Contra Costa County Family Liaison

Support and information for family members. 

Alejandra Escobedo
Cell: (510) 630-0680;  Office: (925) 957-5139

Contra Costa County Mental Health Services Access Line
1 (888) 678-7277
Info at www.cchealth.org/mentalhealth

Contra Costa County 24-Hour Crisis Intervention Services
(925) 646-2800

Independent Living Resources
Helps people with disabilities gain independence. Offices in Concord and Antioch.
(925) 363-7293

Local Mental Health Resources
Resource Download

CCCHP Medical and Mental Health Providers
Directory Download

Search for a CCCHP therapist
Use CCCHP’s online directory

Authorization for Verbal Release of Information
A form to help facilitate communication between mental health care providers and the family or other caregiver.

TAY Resource Guide for Students

We recognize that students and Transitional Age Youth (TAY) have unique needs and challenges and have compiled a tailored TAY resource guide. Click View TAY Guide to view and download the pdf.

NAMI CC & Local Resources Sheet

Want to download our  NAMI CC & Local Resources Sheet? Click “Download Now” to download a .pdf version of our full collection of local resources.