All proceeds from this event will support the free programs, groups, classes, and services that NAMI Contra Costa provides to our community. By joining us or contributing to this event, you will help us provide more programs and education that make a positive difference in our community and the services provided for those with mental illness. This fun, festive, and delicious event is always the highlight of our year. Invite your family and friends as you part-take in all-you-can-eat crab. We are holding it this year at the easily accessible Pleasant Hill Community Center in Pleasant Hill (320 Civic Drive).
When & Where
Our Crab Feed Fundraiser will be on Sunday, March 2, 2025, starting at 5:30 PM.
Pleasant Hill Community Center
320 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
- ALL YOU CAN EAT Dungeness Crab
- Raffle and Auction
- Live Band Performance
- Drumming Circle
- Games and Dancing
- Dave Clark of KTVU-TV News as Host
- Special Guest Singing Sensation, January
- Bring your own wine or other beverage that contains alcohol.
- We will not sell alcohol; however, we will help you open bottles for no corkage fee.
How to Purchase Tickets & Cost
Cost of Tickets
- Individual Tickets: $110
- Table for 10: $1000
Click the button to purchase tickets through Paybee:
Or copy and paste this link in your browser:
This Year’s Sponsors

If you would like to join the fun as a Sponsor please contact Gigi Crowder at (510) 990-2670 or gro.atsocartnociman @igig. All proceeds go towards NAMI CC programs and services. NO REFUNDS.