Adolescent Mental Health Crisis Intervention and Prevention
This January, NAMI CC’s AAPI Team has invited guest Speaker, Nina Wang Helmer (妮娜-王-赫默), MD to speak with us on Sunday, January 26th at 3 PM PST over Zoom.
About Neina Wang-Helmer, MD:
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente
- Volunteer Clinical Professor UCSF
Note: this presentation will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese, but captioning can be enabled for other languages!
NAMI CC中文部月度讲座
妮娜-王-赫默(Nina Wang Helmer)
- Kaiser 资深医生
- 美国精神科和小儿精神科协会双认证
- 加州大学旧金山分校临床志愿教授
- 乔治华盛顿大学小儿精神科专业
Topics Covered/本次讲座将分享:
- Understanding Psychiatric Crisis/理解青少年精神危机
- Psychiatric crisis intervention/如何进行青少年精神危机干预
- Psychiatric crisis prevention and advice/青少年精神危机的预防与建议
Pacific USA Time/美西时间
1/26 Sunday at 3 PM (PST) / 1/26 星期天, 下午3点
On/在 Zoom:
Meeting ID: 884 9345 7070
PASSWORD/密码: 521261