June 2024 AAPI Monthly Seminar

NAMI CC AAPI Monthly Seminar

Ask A Psychiatrist

Mental Health Expert Presentation / Q&A

When & Where


6/9/2024, Sunday
(PDT) 3 PM – 5 PM

On Zoom:

Zoom ID: 813 3691 3619
Password: 788672

Speaker: Dr. Xiu Lowe

  • Senior Psychiatrist of Kaiser Permanente
  • Expert in molecular biologic research research of genetic diseases.

Questions Answered:

  • Primarily utilized treatment practices for mental illness
  • Questions about medication
  • How to find the right therapist
  • Rehabilitation factors of Mental Illness
Do You Have Questions for Dr. Lowe?

If you have specific questions for Dr. Lowe, please email Shelly before June 6 at shelly@namicontracosta.org