Ask Kathy: 120 Days Left

Written by Kathy Maibaum-Perryman, CFNC – A deep passion for mental health and well-being. Using nutrition and lifestyle interventions to support mental wellness and help individuals achieve holistic health.

If you have a question or a nutrition subject you want Kathy to explore for you, send an email to ‘Ask Kathy’ at: and she will share it to the NAMI Contra Costa Newsletter and Website.

Kathy Shares…

As the year quickly passes by, I find myself reflecting on how my January goals slipped away. With just three months left, I’m determined to make the most of this time and would like you to join me. I was reminded of the valuable insights shared in the last five articles I wrote in this newsletter.

We discussed detoxing for mental clarity, the importance of releasing negative thoughts, reducing social media use, recharging, and practicing mindfulness. I highlighted the dangers of white and artificial sugars, and their link to autoimmune diseases, and provided tips on choosing better sweeteners and reading labels for healthier choices. I also shared tips on improving sleep quality, emphasizing its importance for mental health, and how to integrate overall wellness into daily life.

With fewer than 120 days left this year, it’s a great time to revisit our January health goals. Let’s focus on one impactful mental and physical goal. Consider taking daily walks which can be enhanced by listening to an audiobook, talking to a friend, or enjoying music. Spend time in nature, practice deep breathing techniques, and explore mindfulness and meditation. Activating the vagus nerve through deep, calm breathing can soothe your nervous system.

If anxiety is affecting your daily life, revisit your “tool kit” of strategies and try new ones. There are two short YouTube videos below to try. Reduce caffeine, drink more water, especially first thing in the morning. Minimize exposure to negative energy, and consume whole foods, avoiding artificial ingredients. Incorporate more fresh vegetables into your diet and try a vegetarian meal once a week. Don’t forget to stretch! If you can, add yoga or rebounding to your routine—even just 10-15 minutes throughout the day.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Practice forgiveness, both for yourself and others. Let’s make these last three months count by focusing on holistic wellness, both mentally and physically.