Become a Volunteer with NAMI Contra Costa

Want to Help Us or Help Others? Come Volunteer with Us!

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Contra Costa County has been supporting families and caregivers who have a loved one with a mental illness for over 35 years. It has been through the tireless devotion of our volunteers that has made this possible. If you are looking to make a difference, volunteering with us is a great place to start. May it be labeling our newsletter once a month, helping out with our fundraisers or even doing administrative work, we are always looking for volunteers.

Follow two steps to become a volunteer (or intern) with NAMI Contra Costa.

2 Steps to Volunteering with NAMI CC

#1: Research

Learn About Us

Research which roles and positions you are interested in volunteering for at NAMI CC.

Available Roles are listed below.

General NAMI CC Volunteering Roles

NAMI Office

Data input
Answering phones
Help maintain library
Assist with mailings
Help with monthly meetings


Support NAMI Programs

Distribute class flyers and material
Search for class locations
Become a presenter or trainer

group discussion

Help Fundraise

NAMI In Motion Walk
Annual Crab Feed
Help maintain library
Local annual picnic
Help with e-Scrip program
Grant Writing / learn to write grants
Develop ideas for raising money


Distribute flyers for events
Make phone calls
Help at events
Attend conferences and events / networking
Assist recruiting new volunteers
Tell your story to various organizations (In Our Own Voice program)


The Family Support Network

The NAMI Contra Costa Family Support Network provides support directly to families of persons who experience mental illness, and help them connect with and navigate mental health system.

Staff NAMI’s Warm Line

Meet with family members
Facilitate family support groups
Help recruit new family support volunteers

a volunteering advertisement for NAMI CC with an eagle, with text that says "volunteer opportunities available."

NAMI Newsletter

Submit book reviews
Submit articles
Proof drafts for accuracy
Distribute newsletter

Social Media

Help maintain the various websites created by NAMI Contra Costa
Create and maintain blogs on mental health
Post to the various social media site like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Politics and Advocacy

Learn about local mental health issues
Attend various stakeholder meetings

#2: Register

Register Online

Complete our Volunteer Registration Portal.

As part of the process of applying to be a volunteer we will require that you authorize us to perform a check of criminal and sex offender records in order to determine your elegibility for a volunteer position.

We will then collect your name, date of birth, and other basic contact information and submit this information for the background checks. These background checks will be performed at no cost to you.

As part of completing your profile or volunteer application you will be allowed to create a userID and password for logging into our system. However, you will not be placed with or allowed to serve in any volunteer positions until you have been approved for volunteer service based upon the results of your background checks. And should you be disapproved for volunteer service as a result of your background check your ability to log into our system will be disabled.

NAMI CC's English Logo in White

Thanks You!

For Considering Volunteering with Us