Crab Feed 2023: Not Your Typical Crab Feed!
Our Annual Crab Feed is Back for 2023. Save the Date: March 4th, 2023 for the Crab Feed Fundraiser.
Our Annual Crab Feed is Back for 2023. Save the Date: March 4th, 2023 for the Crab Feed Fundraiser.
An Interconnected Approach to Nutrition and Mental Health Speaker Kathy Maibaum-Perryman, Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor (CFNC) Summary Our January 2023 General Meeting kicked started the new year focused on a common resolution: Nutrition and its connection with mental health. Our very own NAMI Contra Costa family member/volunteer, Kathy Maibaum-Perryman, coached or ‘cheered’ attendees on their